Everyone knows about it and some experienced it. The infamous phone theft. We are Foxy! After researching and working on a solution, we developed a phone case that draws attention if it‘s taken away from it‘s owner. The secret behind this solution is that at first the case has an attached tail, this tail is taken off and should be used as a keychain that serves as a beacon. The case measures the distance to the keychain and if it’s out of the previously determinated zone, it‘s starting to make a loud signal and begins to flash in a bright color.

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The tail/keychain
The finished app on a phone
The finished case
The inside of the case

Foxy was developed by me, Merle Zoe Schmelter in cooperation with Jessica Schwarzendahl. We developed the case and the app in the second semester for the courses "Interaction Design - Object" and "Webtechnologies 2".